Design of a hybrid office space

ManpowerGroup Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG – 65760 Eschborn

With the goal of incorporating the advantages of mobile working into a new office utilization concept, the personnel service provider ManpowerGroup contacted coneon.

The relocation of the headquarters to a new office space offered the opportunity to intensify the New Work approach and at the same time to switch to desk sharing - i.e. to an alternating workstation model. The focus was on more flexibility for employees and, at the same time, more effective management of administrative costs. An agile working environment with short walking distances promotes a sense of community and collaboration.

When planning the space, coneon faced the particular challenge of combining the existing furniture with the new furniture to create a unified office image. For example, some of the furniture was custom-made to harmonize perfectly with the existing pieces. Coneon planned the furniture concept and developed the custom-made reception counter, kitchen counter as well as sitting and standing counter in the lounge. The interior of the new location impresses with its liveliness and spaciousness. Special highlights of the space are the photo wallpaper in the library, the table tennis tables in the lounge, and the mobile whiteboards with acoustic function.


The concept

5. OG

6. OG

Are you looking for a partner for your office move?

Make an appointment with Mr. Mike Burk: +49 (0) 2772 57697-0
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