Download the latest CONEON® White Papers

We have summarized important topics from the office world for you in a compact and clear manner.
Professional in-depth information prepared for you in an understandable way.

Our white papers are only available in german!

Room acoustics

With this white paper, we not only want to highlight the problems, but also provide practical solutions that can be implemented easily and cost-effectively.

Innovation needs its space

Nowadays, innovation is one of the basic requirements for a successful company. A modern working environment can make innovation possible.

Influence of the workplace design on employer attractiveness

In times of an emerging shortage of skilled workers, it has become all the more important to position oneself as an attractive employer.

Influence of the workplace design on employee health

What influences the productivity of your employees? Three pillars of workplace design you should consider!

Daylight at the workplace

What influence does daylight have on health? What are the advantages of daylight over an artificial light source? 

Design-build vs. design-bid-build method

What is design-build? What are the advantages over the traditional method?
