Modern office concepts from coneon

No "one-size-fits-all" principle - we design office concepts that fit you perfectly!

Do you know that too?

Are you sitting in an office of one or two people and feel isolated from other employees? Or are you sitting in an open-plan office and can't concentrate because a phone is constantly ringing somewhere? Do you prefer to eat at your desk because the communal areas are too small and too clinical? Because you work with sensitive data or have a lot of formal phone calls, do you prefer to work from home because there are no places to retreat to in the office?

What is a modern office concept?

Ein modernes Bürokonzept ist ein flexibles Arbeitsumfeld, das sich an die Bedürfnisse und Tätigkeiten der Mitarbeitenden anpasst. Dieser Begriff beinhaltet je nach internen Strukturen und Unternehmenskultur verschiedene Arbeitsbereiche, wie flexible Arbeitsplätze, Rückzugszonen und Gemeinschaftszonen. Zudem wird auf Nachhaltigkeit und ein ansprechendes Design Wert gelegt, um eine positive Arbeitsatmosphäre zu schaffen.

Advantages for employees

A modern office concept offers numerous benefits for employees. A high-quality and appealing working environment demonstrably increases the well-being of employees. Ergonomic office furnishings make a significant contribution to health and reduce physical complaints. Common rooms and modern meeting points promote collaboration and communication within the team. An appealing office design and special creative zones actively support innovation and creativity.

Lächelnder Mann im Büro

Advantages for employers

A modern office concept also has numerous advantages for employers. Satisfied employees are more productive, more team-oriented and more innovative. A contemporary office design also enables sustainable and effective use of space, which leads to savings in rental and energy costs. An appealing working atmosphere strengthens employee loyalty and increases the attractiveness of the employer. Costs can be saved by reducing sickness absence and staff turnover.

Telefonierender Mann in einem Büro

What office concepts are there?

Classic office designs and their advantages and disadvantages

Cubicle office:

A traditional office with individual, closed rooms for individual employees or small teams that enable concentrated work.


  • High concentration: Provides a quiet, undisturbed working environment for focused work.
  • Privacy: Protects confidential conversations and personal data.


  • Low communication: Makes spontaneous interactions and teamwork difficult.
  • Space-intensive: Requires more space and resources per employee.
Zellenbüro mit Glasscheibe

Gruppenbüro mit Glaswand

Group office:

An office where several employees work in a shared space, which facilitates communication and collaboration within the group.


  • Promotes collaboration: Facilitates exchange and teamwork.
  • Cost-efficient: Saves space and resources through shared use.


  • Noise pollution: Higher noise levels can disrupt concentration.
  • Less privacy: Limited protection for personal and confidential information.

Open Space:

A large, open workspace without fixed walls that promotes flexibility, transparency and teamwork, but also requires noise protection measures.


  • Flexibility: Enables easy rearrangement and adaptation to changing needs.
  • Transparency: Promotes open communication and faster decision-making.


  • Distractions: High background noise and lots of visual stimuli can impair concentration.
  • Anonymity: Can reduce the feeling of personal belonging.
Großes Open-Space-Office

Modernes Office mit Glaswand

Combined office:

A mix of cellular and open space offices, offering both private work areas and communal zones for collaboration.


  • Versatility: Provides both quiet work areas and collaborative zones.
  • Adaptability: Can cater to different working styles and needs.


  • Complexity: More complex to plan and manage.
  • Cost: Higher investment required for set-up and flexible design.

Reversible office / Smart office:

A reversible office is a flexible concept with modular furniture and variable room layouts that can easily adapt to changing work requirements, particularly suitable for dynamic environments to promote adaptability and space efficiency.


  • Flexibility: quick adaptation to changing work requirements and team sizes.
  • Efficient use of space: Optimum use of office space as it can be reconfigured at any time.


  • Cost: Higher initial investment for modular furniture and flexible infrastructure.
  • Complexity: Requires careful planning and regular adjustments, which can mean additional work.
Büro mit flexiblen Trennwänden

What is a modern office concept today?

Multispace Office and Acitity-Based-Working

A multispace office is a modern office concept that integrates different work areas such as open offices, private rooms, meeting zones, creative areas and relaxation rooms. This flexible design promotes collaboration, creativity and productivity. The concept has become increasingly popular in recent years as it meets the requirements of modern working environments and enables efficient and attractive use of office space.

Activity Based Working (ABW) is a modern working concept in which employees do not have a fixed workstation, but instead choose the appropriate workspace depending on the task and requirements. This can include open offices, meeting rooms, quiet zones or informal meeting points. ABW promotes flexibility, collaboration and efficiency by adapting the working environment to the different activities of employees. It is designed to meet the changing demands of modern working environments that emphasize flexibility, mobility and collaboration. With the advancement of technology and the increasing prevalence of remote working and hybrid working models, ABW has gained more attention and application in modern offices.

What is actually the difference?

The Multispace Office and Activity Based Working (ABW) are closely related and often similar in their implementation, but they are not identical. Here are the differences:

Multispace office:

  • Definition: A multispace office combines different office types and zones (e.g. cellular offices, open space, communal areas) in a single office design.
  • Aim: It offers employees a variety of working environments to suit their different tasks and needs.
  • Characteristics: Flexibility, variety of workspaces, different zones for focused work, collaboration and better social interaction.

Activity Based Working (ABW):

  • Definition: ABW is a work concept in which employees do not have a fixed workstation, but choose the most suitable workspace depending on the task.
  • Aim: It maximizes productivity and efficiency by allowing employees to change their working environment depending on the nature of the task at hand.
  • Features: Task-oriented workspaces, no fixed workstations, use of technology to support mobile working.

Both concepts offer a variety of workspaces and zones and aim to increase employee productivity and satisfaction. They also promote flexibility and mobility within the office. However, a multispace office refers to the physical arrangement and variety of work areas within the office, whereas ABW describes a broader concept that also encompasses behaviours and the way employees organize and do their work. It often involves moving away from fixed workstations in favor of a completely flexible work environment.

In practice, the two concepts can often merge, but ABW goes a step further by changing not only the physical layout, but also the way an organization works and its culture.

Flexibles Bürodesign

Our recommendation: An activity-oriented office concept

The office concept of the future is individuality!

Someone who talks a lot on the phone needs a different office zone to someone who is constantly in meetings. Someone who works with sensitive data needs a different office zone than someone who loves to write their creative ideas on walls. It is therefore important to create the right office zone for each job profile. The design of the workstations, whether with fixed individual workstations and visual partitions or open areas with meeting islands, is based on the specific activity profiles of the teams. The working environment should provide the best possible support for the various activities and offer employees added value compared to working from home.

Whether cellular office, combi office or rather multispace - at coneon, we recommend an individual and activity-oriented office concept that is precisely tailored to the working methods of the employees and the corporate culture.

How do you come up with an individual office concept?

Our concept specialists first take an in-depth look at your company and take a close look at your culture, meeting behavior and team activities. Data surveys and workshops are used to determine requirements. On this basis, we first create a 2D plan for you, in which all the required office zones are marked. As soon as the office concept has been drawn up, we continue with the selection of colors and materials as well as the implementation planning. 


Examples of modern office concepts

Floor plan of an individual office concept with different office zones


Reception and arrival

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Individual, concentrated work at the workplace

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Retreat for telephone calls and concentrated individual work

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Exchange and joint work on a project

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Small and large meetings and discussions

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Areas for breaks: Relax, refuel, eat and drink

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Areas for storage space and archive

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Relax and clear your head

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Reception and arrival

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Individual, concentrated work at the workplace

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Retreat for telephone calls and concentrated individual work

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Exchange and joint work on a project

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Small and large meetings and discussions

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Areas for breaks: Relax, refuel, eat and drink

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Areas for storage space and archive

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Relax and clear your head

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All rooms in the office - Discover our room worlds!


Welcome visitors and create a good first impression


Individual and concentrated work at the workplace


Set up focus workstations and retreat areas


Exchange and work together on a project


Stand-up meetings in the middle of the office or meetings in conference rooms


Relaxing, refueling, eating and drinking, exchanging ideas with colleagues


Stow work materials or lock up personal items


Relax and clear your head

Canada Life - Köln

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Banijay Productions - Köln

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Rewe digital - Frankfurt am Main

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Find your ideal office concept

Just because everyone thinks it's cool doesn't mean it suits you!

Let us help you find the right office concept. Our aim is to make your office space a "better place to work".
With the following goals:

  • Your employees are supported and motivated in the best possible way
  • Your office space is used effectively and sustainably
  • Your corporate culture is reflected

Our customized office concepts are 100% tailored to the specific requirements of your company. Trust coneon to create the ideal working environment for your needs.

Exclusive office concept consulting

Contact us today to arrange a free discovery call and discuss the first steps. We conduct comprehensive analysis and workshops with your teams to determine your exact needs. Our design team will work closely with you to develop a strategy and office concept that meets your needs.

Take the opportunity to optimize your working environment and increase productivity - we are here to support you with our expertise and commitment!

Glückliche Menschen im Büro